Monday, May 23, 2005

Revelations In Encantadia's Third Week

The third week of Encantadia was no less captivating than the first two.

Amihan’s true daughter Lira is now living as Milagros in the mortal realm. Guarded only by Muyak, she is slowly discovering that she isn’t as normal as her peers. She and her cousin Mira, who has grown up to be thought of as the real Lira, live in worlds so different from each other. One is a princess treated like a pauper. The other an unknowing pawn living in the lap of luxury.

Back in Lireo, tensions ran high as Ybarro loses in battle and, elsewhere Danaya’s suspicions about her sister Pirena hit an all time high. To counter-attack this, Pirena plants doubt in Mira’s (now named Lira) mind about Danaya… prompting the young princess to call out her aunt in battle.

Afterwards, Hagorn pushes his evil plan even further by befriending “Lira” … who accepts his gesture. They secretly begin training her in the art of war. Danaya continues to suspect that her neice is up to no good but can not prove it. Especially when they all think that she is the rightful heir to Ynang Reyna’s throne.

And, jumping back to the mortal realm, Milagros and Anthony finally meet each other. But it is not the love at first sight kind of meeting that it was expected to be. They do not remember each other as childhood friends… instead they give each other looks of animosity. This reunion is not the sweet thing it could have been.

Ybarro sees Alena and is not sure if it was a dream or not. He can not shake the feeling that she is alive. Meanwhile, Hitano himself is giving Alena a hard time. Pirena is able to weave her devious spell on Ybarro though to make him truly believe that Alena is dead and he should give up his hunt for her.

As the week ends, several things are revealed and realized: Milagros and Anthony figure out who they used to be to each other. A seer tells Lira that she will not be Queen. Conversely, a fortune teller sees that Milagros will grow to be a mighty ruler.

And when Ybarro finally meets Amihan, he finds out that he is a father.

How will any of these revelations affect the lives of these fated characters? Find out as more of their destinies unfold on Encantadia.

Wednesday, May 18, 2005

Misplaced Sanggres

The sanggre babies are now ladies…. Their destinies are about to unfold. One enjoys the love and the honor of being the next heir to the throne of Lireo while the other is hungry for the care and attention of her adoptive family.

Mira, Pirena’s daughter is now known by everyone in Lireo as Princess Lira, the sole successor of Reyna Amihan. Her doting aunts and loving mother make sure that she is prepared for the task ahead. With lessons in sword fighting from her mother and patient advice from her asha (aunt) Pirena, “Lira” is on her way to becoming a good leader of Lireo.

In her royal red gown, Mira is living the good life. She spent her birthday with a lavish ball held in her honor. All the young men attempted to get close with their sugar-laced promises but the young princess waved off their compliments. Pirena noticed and commended her “niece” for remaining focused on her destiny.

Danaya could not help but notice Pirena’s unusual concern for “Lira” and shared her sentiments with Amihan who downplayed such suspicion. Instead, she told her youngest sibling to start trusting their eldest. But Danaya remains very cautious and believes that the guardian of the Jewel of Fire is up to no good.

Amihan wonders why she continues to dream of Lira being in dangerous situations. Muyak continues to cry for help, pleading Amihan to open the portal towards Encantadia. Unfortunately, Amihan still dismisses the pleas she sees in her premonitions, taking comfort in the knowledge that her daughter is safe inside the castle walls. She knows that Lira walks around the land always accompanied by the palace guards and soldiers to ensure her safety from the Hathors and anyone who may wish to harm her.

As Mira leads the life of a royalty, the real Lira faces the everyday challenges of being in the mortal world. Known as Milagros, her days are often filled with sadness, physical pain and emotional distress. Her kind father -- the one who saved her from certain death as a baby -- is now long gone. She is left with an abusive mother and a spoiled sister. Milagros is confused that her beloved mom does not seem to care for her as much as her younger sibling. Milagros has no idea that they are not blood relatives and that she belongs to another world.

But the magic of Encantadia cannot really be separated from the uprooted sanggre. Even as a young child, Milagros has unwittingly called the wind. Now, older and more mature, she is hoping for another kind of magic. A magic that will save her from the purgatory she is in. She is hoping that a promise from a childhood friend, Anthony, will be remembered soon. But now that she is forced by her mother to work as a maid in a rich family’s dwelling, will she find the saving grace and the enchantment that she is longing for?

Don’t miss the continuing twists and mysteries in Encantadia on weekdays, after Mars Ravelo’s Darna.

Switching Destinies

The exciting saga continues in the land of Encantadia.

The week opened with a magical union signaled by a butterfly. Ybarro and Alena cannot fight the force of their feelings for each other even if they are both aware that it is forbidden under the laws of Lireo. Alena is not comforted by the appearance of the butterfly hovering around the couple.

This butterfly chose the rightful warrior that would father Amihan’s child. Because of a dream, the new queen was now impregnated. The whole of Lireo looked forward to an heir to the throne. When Lira was born, the kingdom rejoiced, oblivious to the dark intentions of their enemies

The first-born Pirena formulated and put into action her evil plans. After looking for a way to also be seeded with a child, she eventually switched the babies. She put Mira, her own offspring, to take the place of Amihan’s daughter, Lira.

The poor Lira was taken by Pirena to the mortal plane to fare on her own. It was a good thing that Muyak followed the unlikely pair, suspecting that Pirena was up to no good. Luckily, Lira was taken under the wing of a kind man. However, a harsh life outside of her own world is still ahead of the uprooted royal.

What has destiny planned for the two young sangre? Find out this week, after Darna.

Thursday, May 12, 2005

Magical love triangles, mysteries and intrigues

When Encantadia opens, we see that Alena and Ybarro have once again snuck off to be together. No two beings are in as much love as these two. But little do they know that there are more powerful forces afoot in these lands. There are powers that have other designs and plans for the young warrior.

A butterfly lands on Ybarro’s shoulder and it frightens Alena who feels that there is something mysterious about this insect. Neither of them realizes that this is the familiar sent by the gods to indicate the chosen father for Amihan’s child. Ybarro tries to calm her fears by kissing her. Hitano sees this and is near tears with jealousy and rage. Hitano confronts Alena. He rages against her love for someone like Ybarro. But Alena steadfastly defends her love for the warrior.

Amihan suddenly wakes up and wonders at her wounds… which have somehow healed themselves in her sleep. She thanks her sister Danaya for healing her as Aquil updates her on the war’s current state. Danaya wants to use the gems in battle but Ynang Reyna has made it clear that the power in the gems is not for war.

It becomes clear to Hagorn that Pirena can only gain access to the gems if her sisters freely will them to her. Given that she has declared war on them, it becomes a tricky challenge for the Hagorn to figure out a way to acquire the remaining gems. This sets the tone for the beginnings of a truly complicated love triangle… where participants are quite innocent and oblivious to the roles they are about to play.

Even in the throes of war, Ynang Reyna implores Amihan to keep Pirena safe from harm. Amihan swears to keep her wayward sister out of harm’s way… unaware that Pirena is already hatching a plot against her. While they are talking, the butterfly appears before them. Ynang Reyna then declares that the familiar has chosen the father of Amihan’s child. She also announces that Amihan must ready herself to bear the next heir to the Lireo throne.

Meanwhile, at the foot of a mountain, the chosen father stands guard, completely unaware of his fate. Ybarro joyfully shouts his love for Alena… but will his love for her be enough to withstand being chosen by the gods themselves?

In Lireo, the remaining royal sisters discuss Amihan’s impending pregnancy. Ynang Reyna’s only clue was that he would come to Amihan in a dream.

And true enough, while Amihan sleeps, Ybarro comes to her. The butterfly’s prophecy was true indeed. In his dream, he is Ybrahim. He kisses Amihan’s palm, leaving petals where his lips were. When Amihan wakes, she sees the petals are still there. She tells Ynang Reyna about her dream, who in turn tells her daughter that it was not a dream… that the flowers are a sign that she is indeed carrying the next Queen of the Fairies.

When Amihan tells Alena about what Ybrahim looked like in her dream, Alena can barely contain her shock. She nearly slips about “Ybarro” but Muyak is quick to rescue her. Off in his home at the foot of the mountains, Ybarro himself wonders about the dream he had… telling Apitong that in it, his name was different. Trying to hide his secret, Apitong says nothing important to his adopted son.

Pirena meanwhile is up to no good. Using the powers of fire, she lures a fairy in her dream to kiss her hand. He too leaves petals on her palm. When the deed is done, Pirena quickly kills the fairy and, with Gurna’s help, disposes of the body. She joyfully celebrates her pregnancy… the first step to her devious ploy to gain the gems.

Amihan calmly accepts her pregnancy but can not help but wonder who Ybrahim is and where he came from. In fact, of all of the unwitting players in love’s deceptive game, only Apitong really knows the truth about his son… the hidden prince of his kingdom.

Back in Lireo, Ynang Reyna begins keeping watch over the growing child in Amihan’s belly. And as the episode closes, we see that in Hathoria, the same is being done by Pirena. She keeps careful watch over her own pregnancy while explaining to Hagorn that this child is going to be their key to owning the missing gems… and ruling all of Encantadia.

In secret, Alena and Ybarro meet. Alena tells him of her sister’s pregnancy… which gives Ybarro cause for wonder and concern. How will they withstand the knowledge that Ybarro, as Ybrahim has become the father of Amihan’s child… a baby that will be Alena’s niece. And what will Amihan feel when she finds out that Ybrahim is her own sister’s one true love?

Monday, May 09, 2005

Encantadia Enjoys Successful First Week

In Encantadia’s premiere week, an overwhelming number of viewers obviously wished to share the magic.

The pilot episode showed the flight of Raquim from his own kingdom to the land of Lireo. This is to ensure the safety of the wind gem, which the Hathors were trying to steal. Shortly after, Raquim and his daughter, Amihan hide in the mortal world to escape the revenge of the Hathors. The mortal lives of the father and daughter, and its subsequent, tragic end were witnessed by an enraptured audience.

The next day viewers followed Amihan to her mother’s palace in Lireo. They were introduced to the creature Imaw, Amihan’s three sisters and her mother, Ynang Reyna. Pirena’s struggle with her good and bad side was already evident even at that early age.

As the girls grew up to become the fairy princesses that they are, Pirena’s dissatisfaction and jealousy also increased. Ynang Reyna shares her concern with Imaw about the destinies of her daughters. The third day showed how the four sisters prepared for the test that would determine the next sangre who will reign over Encantadia.

And then we all watched in horror as Pirena, the first born, challenged her own mother to a duel. She attempted to steal the four gems and was only able to acquire the jewel of fire. The other two sisters had to step in and declare their support for Ynang Reyna’s decision that Amihan will become the next queen.

Darkness clouded over the world of Encantadia as the wizened ones realized that the Hathors are already in possession of the fire gem, given to them freely by Pirena. Ynang Reyna called her other three daughters and entrusted them with the three remaining stones. The viewers swooned over the budding romance between Alena and Ybarro, as the two save each other’s lives in an encounter.

Witness the next adventures of the four keepers of the gems of Encantadia. Who will the butterfly choose? Who will be the worthy warrior that will be the father of Amihan’s daughter.


Wednesday, May 04, 2005

The Four Jewels of Encantadia

From cute fairy princesses to the beautiful ladies of Lireo. The Four Jewels of Encantadia.

By now, everyone knows about the story of the four gems and how battles have been fought and still continue to be fought because of the powers these gems possess. But, at the end of the day, they are just pretty stones after all. How can these minerals compare to the living, breathing, all-too-real, jewels of Encantadia?

Let's admit it, viewers watch the latest telefantasya offering of GMA because of the safekeepers of the gems, namely Pirena, Amihan, Alena and Danaya. These four sisters have got the whole country stuck to their television sets. Pirena is the eldest and the guardian of the jewel of fire. Passionate and determined, this role is perfect for Sunshine Dizon. From an early age, Sunshine has shown that she means business.

This is not her first time to work with Gil Tejada, second unit director of Encantadia. She is a veteran actress even at the young age of 21. Child stars have come and gone but not her. She has proven that she has more than talent. She also has the discipline to continuously improve her craft. Though confident, she is not as driven as Pirena to do anything and hurt anyone for something she believes in. Behind the scenes, Shine is more mellow. She cracks jokes and kids around. As soon as the camera rolls though, fiery Pirena is back.

Iza Calzado is Amihan, the keeper of the wind gem. It was not until her father Raquim died that she discovered her real identity. Iza says that she empathizes with her character very well. Obviously on the outside, Iza fits the fairy princess title to a T. She is just like the wind, which everyone feels but does not necessarily see. She is a strong fighter especially for the things that she deems important, like her relationships with people.

She loves the wings that she has to wear for her role. Maybe this is symbolic for her desire to travel more. At the moment though, she is happy with pouring her heart into her chosen career.

The one with the voice that can make anyone fall in love is Alena. The keeper of the water gem is suitably played by Karylle. Her voice echoes over the land of Encantadia and onto your television sets as she belts out the theme song of the show. Alena and Karylle's stories are amazingly parallel. This is especially evident in Karylle' s own love story. Real life boyfriend Ding Dong Dantes plays her onscreen lover Ybarro.

As the water of life flows for Karylle, so is her ability to face any kind of challenge, both in her personal and professional life, the smoothest transition being her jump from singing to acting.

Sultry Diana Zubiri is the right actress to play the role of Danaya. Even their names sound the same. She safeguards the jewel of the earth. Danaya can change into any kind of animal at will. Diana, in her animal skin pants, is very convincing in this role. This character is different from the usual roles that people associate with the young actress. However, the inner goddess shines through amidst the sexy aura.

The individual destinies of these four princesses will shape the history of the fantasy land, just as the careers of these four talented and beautiful young actresses will be forever changed by Encantadia.

Tuesday, May 03, 2005

Behind the magic of Encantadia

Only GMA can turn a dark and daunting warehouse into a fantastic fairyland, teeming with capricious creatures and beautiful muses. This is the world of Encantadia.

Director Mark Reyes frankly admits to the media that the set for Encantadia is inspired by the Lord of the Rings series. He says, “Without the LOTR, we will not have the framework that we used for the set.” But, the creativity and the ingenuity that was obviously utilized in the construction of this new land are entirely Filipino.

With a Php3-million budget, expectations are certainly very high. And the production team did not disappoint anyone, not the media, and especially not the big bosses of the network.

The Mariwasa Compound in Pasig currently houses the kingdoms of Encantadia. As one enters the seemingly barren warehouse, you can hear the hustle and bustle of
individuals who have specific tasks in this production. In the midst of the darkness, a buzzer would sound every once in a while to warn the people that a shoot is in progress. One unlit room leads to another room, this time flooded with stage lights and spotlights. Suddenly, we were in Encantadia.

The throne room alone is reminiscent of an ancient hall in some remote European castle. With gilded chairs and intricate details on the pillars and steps made of plaster and resin, it transports the viewer to that period. But, one must remember that this is the seat of power in Encantadia. Earthy tones with accents of gold set the mood for somber elegance. This is the perfect setting for the beauty of Ynang Reyna played by Ms. Dawn Zulueta.

The land of Adamya, ruled by the wise Imaw is just as compelling. Life-size trees dot the landscape here and there as it shelters the leader’s humble hut. Mounds of soil are compacted to create the illusion of stepping on an actual forest floor. Real stones and plastic plants accent the “earth.”

More impressive than the atmosphere however is the technology behind Imaw. Three experts operate and mobilize the creature. One manipulates his head and facial expressions with a remote control. Another assists the body movements behind the puppet while a third person acts as his voice. Together, they bring Imaw to life.

The costumes are, of course, in keeping with the grandeur of the four kingdoms. Most of the actors have to painstakingly put on variously colored contact lenses. The four jewel bearers basically have three major costumes, which include regal clothes and battle armor. The battle outfits are accentuated by swords and hilts. Pirena has the gold gear that makes her fiery costume seem more crimson. Amihan wears the wings signifying the element of air. Alena dresses in cool tones of blue and green representing water. Danaya wears animal hide pants and her arms are encased in bracelets of twigs and leaves. The details add concrete clues to the characters’ innate power and the passions that drive them.

As if this arena for the set, which was specifically constructed for Encantadia, is not enough, shoots continue at different locations. These include a mansion in Alabang, which will be the setting for the world of mortals and the beautiful Daranak which is used for the forest scenes.

For the people that are involved in this production, this is more than just a regular television show, more than just a fantasy land made real by generous finances and the need to go beyond the accomplishments of Mulawin and Darna. It is a world that is lovingly brought to life by careful hands and artistic minds that attempt to push the limits of their own skills and imagination.


Sunday, May 01, 2005

Encantadia Airs Tonight

After weeks of hype and promotion -- including a two hour primer aired over Sunday Night Box Office -- the magical world of Encantadia opens it's secretive gates tonight.

The cast and crew have worked long hours to bring this first-rate fantasy series that many have been looking forward to.

Karylle, who plays the fairy princess Alena, was recently quoted as saying that the entire cast has worked extra hard to make sure that fans get the most out of the show. Round-the-clock taping at various locations and extra hours spent giving the media sound bites have all led to tonight's premier episode.

The production is a team effort. It isn't just the actors that have been slaving away. No detail was left to chance. Everything from the complex throne room set to the smallest bead on each costume was meticulously looked after.

Iza Calzado, backstage for a promotional pictorial, confided that "of the three major costumes that I wear, my favorite is this really simple white sleeping dress. It makes me feel very light and beautiful." She went on to talk about how much fun it was to be working for a show that would definitely bring something new to local television.

Her on-screen sister Sunshine Dizon, who plays the fiery tempered Pirena, added that even the long hours on the set are worth it because the cast works so well together that it sometimes doesnt feel like work.

True enough, while she waited her turn at the expert hands of the tema's make-up and hair stylists, Sunshine happily chatted with co-stars Iza, Pinky Amador and Nancy Castiglione about bikini waxes (none of the younger girls have ever tried it), hair care products (Pinky gave them advice on how to treat damaged hair) and the latest movies showing in theaters (Nancy had some spare time and wanted to catch a movie after the pictorial). And to add a manly touch to his girlie gabfest was Jon Regala, loudly telling funny stories in his booming voice.

It is this kind of off-camera bonding that helps the cast work hard into the night - donning their sometimes intricate costumes and even more complicated make-up to become the fairies and warriors and other magical folk that will be gracing your screens tonight.

So don't forget to tune in to Encantadia later today and be drawn into a world of mystery and beauty.

Saturday, April 30, 2005

An inside look at Encantadia this Sunday, May 1

You’ve explored the website, you’ve seen the plugs… now… watch the primer that will definitely turn you into an Encantadia expert in no time.“Sa Mundo ng Encantadia” is a 90-minute documentary produced by the award-winning team of I-Witness that takes viewers to a preliminary journey into the world of Encantadia. Dingdong Dantes, Karylle, Jennylyn Mercado, and Mark Herras will guide you through your journey.

The documentary is an insider’s look into the creative process of GMA’s latest primetime series, touted as the grandest, most ambitious, and most expensive project ever undertaken by a local TV network. It also highlights the artistry and craftsmanship of the people behind the series, as it pools together the best creative minds and talents in the Philippine TV industry today.

With a Php3-million budget, expectations were certainly very high. And the production team did not disappoint anyone, not the media, and especially not the big bosses of the network.

Included in the documentary are insightful interviews with the directors, writers, cast members, set and costume designers, and visual effects artists of Encantadia. Viewers will be treated to a visual feast as the documentary showcases Encantadia's fantastic sets and wardrobe, including the elaborately designed gowns and warrior costumes worn by Encantadia's lead stars. Equally impressive is the construction of a studio in a 2,000-square-meter warehouse in Pasigbelieved to be the first of its kind in Philippine televisionas well as the use of animatronic puppets and other visual wizardry never before seen on local TV.

Director Mark Reyes frankly admits to the media that the set for Encantadia is inspired by the Lord of the Rings series. He says, “without the LOTR, we will not have the framework that we used for the set.” But, the creativity and the ingenuity that was obviously utilized in theconstruction of this new land are entirely Filipino.

As if this the set, specifically constructed for Encantadia, is not enough, shoots continue at different locations. These include a mansion in Alabang, which will be the setting for the world of mortals and beautiful Daranak, used for the forest scenes.

Audiences will also be delighted to learn how the Encantadia cast, led by Dawn Zulueta, Sunshine Dizon, Iza Calzado, Karylle, Diana Zubiri, Nancy Castiglione, Pen Medina, Jennylyn Mercado, Mark Herras, Yasmien Kurdi, and Dingdong Dantes prepared for their roles.This documentary shall provehow GMA's latest primetime offering is bound to set new standards in local TV production. After the success of Mulawin and the currently top-rating fantasy series Darna, GMA continues its commitment to its audiences by giving them only the best in entertainment programming, as embodied in the mammoth production of Encantadia.

“Sa Mundo ng Encantadia” will air this Sunday, May 1, on GMA’s Sunday Night Box-Office (SNBO), after Daddy Di Do Du. Encantadia will premiere on May 2 on GMA’s Telebabad block.


Visit the magical world of Encantadia online

Are you ready to go on a journey to a wondrous land? Encantadia, the newest fantasy series, is gearing up for its pilot episode. But you don't have to wait til then to see the magic happen! The official Encantadia website is now ready for you to explore.

Get to know the exciting characters that inhabit the four major kingdoms - Adamya, Lireo, Hathoria and Sapiro. Read about the characters that will soon come to life on your television screens -- who they are, what they are like and what secrets they might hold as the land of Encantadia struggles for peace within a time of chaos.

Of course, there is also a photo gallery that will help you familiarize yourself with the cast. And behind the scenes photos only available through!

But this isn't just any kind of website! Encantadia's online realm has more than just photos to offer you. There is even an extensive glossary of terms and a dictionary of commonly used words and phrases that you will be hearing a lot of when Encantadia airs on Monday. How cool is that? You won’t need to wonder what Queen Mine-a means when she utters the phrase "Ssheda Musni Verom" because you'll have read it already on the website!

Keep coming back to the site as the story unfolds to read exclusive articles and interviews, view video clips of past episodes and of course, to follow the excitement as more and more of the fantastic tale comes to life!

Enchan (en-syan) The alphabet of Encantadia.
Enchanta The language of Encantadia.
Enkantado / Enkantada The denizens of Encantadia’s world.
Sang’gre Royalty.

Conversational Enchanta

Asnamon Voyanazar Encantadia’s version of “open sesame”.
Avisala Greetings. Their version of: How are you?
Maste Lesnu "___" Peace be with "___".
Hasna Lesnu Maste And may God help me be the champion of peace
Ssheda Stop/Halt/Desist.
Ssheda Musti Maste We will not give them peace.
Hasna Verom gashne vo If you do not give me that, I will kill you.
Ssheda Musni Verom I will not give this to you.


Sunday, April 24, 2005

Welcome To Encantadia

Enchanting is the word, indeed, as members of the media and special guests were ushered into the magical realm of Encantadia during a pressconference Tuesday evening.

Warriors clothed in full war regalia set the tone for the evening. Swords clashing to the tune of battle cries entertained the media before they were invited to enter the huge studio that currently house the show's sets. The same soldiers acted as ushers upon entering their domain.

Details of the costume designs, the puppet drawings and the like were displayed along the walls that roughly tell how much effort has been put into this production. Director Mark Reyes acted as the tour guide, giving the guests an exclusive behind the scenes glimpse of this fantasy world.

Banak and Nakba looked adorable as they greeted the media. Making the land of Encantadia even more interesting are these lovable creatures from Adamya. There was also Awoo and Imaw. The use of animated puppets is a first in Philippine television history.

It is obviously GMA's biggest and most ambitious production to date. The story of the four gems and the struggle for the peace of the land is riveting enough. Add the sheer scale of the production and attention to details, any jaded viewer will be suitably in awe.

However, it is not the precious stones that will truly captivate everyone's fancy. Even more riveting are the beautiful muses of each kingdom that are the true jewels of this show: Sunshine Dizon as Pirena, Iza Calzado as Amihan, Karylle as Alena and Diana Zubiri as Danaya. They were introduced and presented to the guests in elaboratecostumes. Dawn Zulueta as Ynang Reyna outshone everyone as she quietly showed her fairy-like demeanor. The brave warriors of Adamia, played by Ding Dong Dantes, Polo Ravales and others majestically captured the ladies' fancy.

The story will revolve around the classic struggle between love and hate, power and helplessness, friendship and betrayal that will shape the various facets of this tale. So, enter Encantadia, the Filipino fantasy that has come to life.Encantadia will air beginning May 2 during GMA's primetime Telebabad block.


Meet the characters of Encantadia

The world of Encantadia where the realms of peaceful Adamya, steadfast Sapiro, enchanted Lireo, and cruel Hathoria can be found, will soon unfold before you.

Get to know the colorful characters -- the powerful fairies, brave warriors, lovable and mythical creatures, and ferocious fiends -- that inhabit this magical land.

Principal among them are the Fairies of Lireo. They are ruled by Mine-a, Queen of The Fairies, played by the beautiful Dawn Zulueta. Mine-a has four daughters, all of them gifted with special abilities. Each of Mine-a’s four daughters play crucial roles in the balance of power that continues to threaten the world of Encantadia.

Eldest is Pirena (Sunshine Dizon) who has the ability to change into any humanoid shape. In turn, the youngest Danaya (Diana Zubiri) has the ability to become any plant or animal of her choice. Third daughter Alena (Karylle) has a powerful vocal tool that can either kill a being or make them fall in love. And then there is the brave Amihan (Iza Calzado) , raised as a human and skilled in battle.

The rest of this stellar cast includes young stars Dingdong Dantes as the great warrior Ybarro; Jennylyn Mercado as Lira/Milagros; Mark Herras as Anthony, Milagros’ love interest; Yasmien Kurdi as Mira, Pirena’s daughter and unwitting pawn in an evil scheme; Polo Ravales as the fearless Lireo warrior Hitaro; Nancy Castiglione as Muyak, an adorable pixie; Alfred Vargas as Aquil, chief of the forces of Lireo; and Jay Aquitania as Banjo, best friend to Milagros.

Providing acting experience to the show are Pen Medina as Hagorn, the evil Hathor leader; John Regala as the loving human Apitong; Pinky Amador as Carmen, Anthony’s socialite mother; Irma Adlawan as Amanda, evil stepmom of Milagros; Girlie Sevilla as Gurna, Pirena’s dama; Leila Kuzma as the Hathor Agane; Gayle Valencia as Dinna, Milagros’ cruel stepsister; and Ehra Madrigal as Gigi, friend of Milagros.

Al Tantay, Ian Veneracion, and Allan Paule also lend their special participation to the epic drama.

And to make Encantadia even more astounding, Richard Gomez plays a very special guest role as Raquim, Amihan’s father. No one could have been better to play the father that teaches Amihan to be a fierce swordswoman. Richard Gomez, after all, has had extensive training in the art of fencing.

Making the world of Encantadia even more colorful are the lovable creatures from Adamya: Awoo, a humongous dog-like creature, the cute twosome of Banak and Nakba, and the wise Imaw, serene leader of Adamya.

Be ready to enter the extraordinary world of Encantadia soon.


Prepare To Be Enchanted

From the land of mortals there live a Fairy King and his daughter. A special daughter who thinks she is human. That is, until fate brings her back home to the land of her parents where she meets her three fairy sisters and finds out her true heritage.

This is the story of Encantadia, the newest fantasy series airing soon on GMA.

Encantadia showcases the talents of Dawn Zulueta, Iza Calzado, Karylle, Sunshine Dizon, Diana Zubiri and Dingdong Dantes. Filmed on an elaborate sound stage and on location around Luzon, the fantasy series aims to bring to life the enthralling adventures of the four fairy princesses and their struggle for both power and peace. This undertaking will span across the entire fairy realm and cross over into the human world.

The exciting series begins this April. Watch out for it!
